BEWARE OF SPURIOUS PHONE CALLS AND FICTITIOUS AND FRAUDULENT OFFERS, IRDAI or its officials do not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint. | In light of the cyclone, landslides & flood, we pray for your safety and the well-being of your loved ones. For any claims related assistance please contact our Nodal Officer, Click here for the Claim Assistance, Click here for the Claim Notification
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What is Bharat Griha Raksha

The Bharat Griha Raksha Policy provides insurance to your Home Building and Home Contents which includes household things and articles. In cases of unfortunate events where you suffer Physical loss damage or destruction of the building of Your home, based on your confirmation that this information is true and correct, we promise to provide You insurance as stated.

Know What Our Bharat Griha Raksha Offers You

Convulsions of Nature

This will cover loss or Damages directly caused to your property covered by Fire, Lightning, Explosion / Implosion,Earthquake, Strom, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Flood and Inundation Show MoreShow Less

External Physical Object

Impact damage of any kind, i.e., damage caused by impact of, or collision caused by any externalphysical object (e.g. vehicle, falling trees, aircraft, wall etc.) Show MoreShow Less

Malicious Act

Covers Riot, Strikes, Malicious Damages, Acts of terrorism (Coverage as per Terrorism Clause attached)

Personal Accident Cover

In the event an insured peril that caused damages to Your Home Building and/or Home contents also results in the unfortunate death of either You or Your spouse,We will pay compensation of ₹ 5,00,000 (Rupees Five Lakh) per person. Show MoreShow Less

Loss of rent

We pay for Loss of rent and the addition amount for Rent for Alternative accommodation (incase it's higher), which will be paid to the extent declared by You and agreed by Us as specified under this Policy while Your Home Building is not fit for living following loss or damage due to an insured event. Show MoreShow Less

General Contents

We cover the physical loss or damage to or destruction of the General Contents ie.articles or things in your home caused by an Insured Event as listed in Clause B of this Policy Show MoreShow Less

Damage casued by Public Authority

Damage caused by temporary or permanent dispossession, confiscation,commandeering, requisition or destruction of Insured Property by order of any Public Authority. Show MoreShow Less

Faulty Construction

Damage to the property due to defective design or workmanship or the use of defective materials

Extension in Carpet area
by more than 10%

Any addition, extension, or alteration to any structure of Your Home Building that increases its Carpet Area by more than 10% of the Carpet Area existing at the Commencement Date or on the date of renewal of this Policy, unless You have paid additional premium and such addition, extension or alteration is added by Endorsement. Show MoreShow Less

Electrical Damage

Loss, damage or destruction to any electrical/electronic machine, apparatus, fixture, or fitting by over-running, excessive pressure, short circuiting, arcing, self- heating or leakage of electricity from whatever cause (lightning included). This exclusion applies only to the particular machine so lost, damaged or destroyed. Show MoreShow Less

Damage to Documents

Loss or damage to bullion or unset precious stones, manuscripts, plans, drawings, securities, obligations or documents of any kind, coins or paper money, cheques, vehicles, and explosive substances unless otherwise expressly stated in the policy. Show MoreShow Less

Missing Property

Loss of any Insured Property which is missing,removed from your Home to any other place,has been mislaid, or its disappearance cannot be linked to any single identifiable event Show MoreShow Less

* The details furnished here do not constitute entire terms & conditions. For More details refer policy documents.

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Get Claim in 3 Easy Steps

step 1
1Claim Intimation

Call us on our Toll-free Helpline number 1800-22-4030/1800-200-4030

step 1
2Surveyor Appointment

A surveyor will be assigned who will assess the losses.

step 1
3Claim assessment and settlement

After successful verification, the claim amount will be disbursed.

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  • I own a jewellery shop in Lucknow. Unfortunately, a few days back a theft incident happened at my shop. I was left devastated by thankfully I had Shopkeeper Insurance Policy from Universal Sompo.

    Pavan Kumar Soni

  • My hospital got damaged in the Kolhapur floods. But the quick settlement offered by the Universal Sompo team made me a little optimistic about things. It was a ray of hope I needed. You are the best!

    Dr. Sachin M Zadbuke

  • I am a dairy owner from Khera district in Gujarat and I have cattle insurance policy from universal Sompo. Recently, my cattle died because of some disease. On intimation of claim, the team from Ahmedabad helped and supported me in the whole claim procedure.

    Kalpesh Parmar

  • I want to say that I am really impressed with the services of Universal Sompo. The speed with which they settled my claim is commendable. I found the team efficient, realiable, & full of professionalism.

    Avdhesh Mourya


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