BEWARE OF SPURIOUS PHONE CALLS AND FICTITIOUS AND FRAUDULENT OFFERS, IRDAI or its officials do not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums. Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint. | In light of the cyclone, landslides & flood, we pray for your safety and the well-being of your loved ones. For any claims related assistance please contact our Nodal Officer, Click here for the Claim Assistance, Click here for the Claim Notification

Crops Covered Under PMFBY/RWBCIS

  • Cereals Image
  • PMFBY Millets Crops
  • Pulses Image
  • Oilseeds Image
  • PMFBY  Fruits Vegetables
    Fruits/ Vegetables

What Is Pradhan Mantri
Fasal Bima Yojana

The PMFBY was launched in 2016 and replaces all the prevailing yield insurance schemes in India. The scheme has extended coverage under localized risks, post-harvest losses etc. and aims at adoption of technology for the purpose of yield estimation. Through increased farmer awareness and low farmer premium rates the scheme aims at increasing the crop insurance penetration in India.

Basic Features Of PMFBY Scheme

All Farmers above the age of 18 years including tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified area are eligible for the scheme.

  1. Voluntary for loanee farmers, obtaining Crop Loan/KCC account for notified crops.
  2. Voluntary for other/non-loanee farmers who have insurable interest in the notified crops.
  1. Food crops (Cereals, Millets and Pulses).
  2. Oilseeds.
  3. Annual Commercial/Annual Horticulture Crops.
  1. Prevented Sowing/ Planting Risk : When the Insured area is prevented from sowing/ planting due to deficit rainfall or adverse seasonal conditions, claims up to 25% of sum insured are payable to the farmers.
  2. Localized Calamities : Loss/ damage resulting from occurrence of identified localized perils i.e. hailstorm, landslide, cattle attack, natural fire and Inundation affecting isolated farms in the notified area.
  3. Mid Season : Loss in case of adverse seasonal conditions during the crop season viz. floods, prolonged dry spells and severe drought etc., wherein expected yield during the season is likely to be less than 50% of the normal yield. This add-on coverage facilitates the provision for immediate relief to insured farmers in case of occurrence of such risks.
  4. Post-Harvest Losses : Coverage is available only up to a maximum period of two weeks from harvesting for those crops which are allowed to dry in cut and spread condition in the field after harvesting against specific perils of cyclone and cyclonic rains and unseasonal rains.
  5. Standing Crop (Sowing to Harvesting) : Comprehensive risk insurance is provided to cover yield losses due to non- preventable risks (Drought, Dry spells, Flood, Inundation, Pests and Diseases, Landslides, Natural Fire and Lightening, Storm, Hailstorm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane and Tornado).

All Food & Oilseeds crops, and Annual Commercial/Horticulture Crops, as notified by respective State.

Now you can get information in your own language!

Click on language to download the PMFBY document in selected language

How To Apply For Scheme

Farmers may take this Insurance through Bank, CSC Centers, Insurance Company, Insurance companies’ Intermediary and Crop Insurance portal designed by GOI.
Loanee Farmers

Loanee Farmers

As part of Compulsory coverage, through concerned Bank Branch enrolment can be done without a proposal form and document formalities.

Non-Loanee Farmers

Non-Loanee Farmers

Farmers who want to avail insurance shall fill up Proposal Form of the Scheme and submit the same along with the required document (Such as Land Possession certificate, Bank Detail, Aadhar etc) to nearest bank branch or CSC or authorized channel partner of USGI.

Click on the link to apply for the scheme

Samrakshane Portal

(Online Portal only for Karnataka)
Samrakshane is an online portal providing end-to-end e-Governance solution for managing the crop insurance activities under both PMFBY & RWBCIS. The Software has successfully secured 16 Lakhs enrollments which is a sharp increase from 35% to 94% in terms of the coverage for Rabi crops.
Go to Samrakshane Portal for enrollment and claim disbursal

Easy Options to Intimate
Claim Online

Now PMFBY enrolled farmers can intimate localized and Post harvest claim within 72 hours from the occurrence of a peril.

step 1
1 Crop Insurance App

You can intimate your claim using the crop insurance app.

Download App
step 1
2 USGI Website

USGI also provides a claim portal which can be used for claim intimation.

USGI Crop Claim Website
step 1
3 Toll-Free Number/Email ID

You can also intimate claim toll-free number or by sending an email. /

step 1
4 Concerned Bank

You can intimate your claim through the concerned bank.

step 1
5 Local Agriculture Department

You can also intimate a claim by visiting your local agricultural department.

step 1
6 USGI Office

You can also intimate claim by visting any nearby USGI branch.

Forms you can download

S.NoStateSeasonApplication SourceApplication Source wise Farmer Covered (Approx) Total Farmer Covered (Approx.) Farmer Benefited (Approx.) Claim Paid (Lac)Claim Pending
1KarnatakaKharif 168,78,6938,78,69366,009 3,46,0910
2KarnatakaKharif 17CSC88,1009,41,2191,71,158 17,3290
3KarnatakaKharif 18CSC88,1001,74,2951,71,158 17,329395
4KarnatakaRabi 18-19CSC88,100
5UPKharif 17CSC575,04,73426,7521,5510
SeasonDistrict & StateNotified CropsCut-off Date
Kharif 2021 Belagavi, Chitradurga, Davangere, Ramanagara KarnatakaCabbage, Green Gram (Moong Bean/ Moong)-Rainfed, Onion-Irrigated, Cotton-Irrigated,
Cotton-Rainfed, Onion-Rainfed, Sesame (Gingelly/Til)/Sesamum-Rainfed, Tomato
Kharif 2021 Chitradurga, Belagavi, Bidar, Kalaburgi, Davangere, Kolar, Ramanagara, Yadgiri KarnatakaBlack Gram (Urd Bean)-Rainfed, Cotton-Irrigated & Rainfed, Groundnut-Irrigated & Rainfed,
Horse Gram (Kulthi/Kultha)-Rainfed, Maize (Makka)-Irrigated & Rainfed, Navane-Rainfed, Onion-Irrigated & Rainfed,
Paddy-Irrigated & Rainfed, Pearl Millet (Bajra/Bulrush Millet/Spiked Millet)-Irrigated & Rainfed,
Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur)-Rainfed, Red Chillies-Rainfed, Save-Rainfed,
Sesame (Gingelly/Til)/Sesamum-Rainfed, Sorghum (Jowar/Great Millet)-Irrigated & Rainfed, Sunflower-Irrigated & Rainfed,
Tomato, Groundnut-Irrigated & Rainfed, Horse Gram (Kulthi/Kultha)-Rainfed,
Maize (Makka)-Irrigated & Rainfed, Navane-Rainfed, Paddy-Irrigated & Rained,
Black Gram (Urd Bean)-Rainfed, Turmeric, Cowpea/Alasande-Rainfed, Save-Rainfed.
Kharif 2021 Bidar, Chitradurga, DakshinaKannada, Davangere, Kalaburgi, Kolar, Ramanagara, Yadgiri KarnatakaSunflower-Rainfed, Navane-Rainfed, Paddy-Irrigated & Rainfed,
Ragi-Irrigated & Rained, Sunflower-Irrigated & Rainfed, Maize (Makka)-Irrigated & Rainfed,
Onion-Irrigated, Red Chillies-Irrigated & Rainfed, Horse Gram (Kulthi/Kultha)-Rainfed,
Pigeon Pea (Red Gram/Arhar/Tur)-Rainfed.
Rabi 2021 - 22 Belagavi, Chitradurga, Davangere, Kalaburgi, Ramanagara, Yadgiri KarnatakaHORSE GRAM-UNIR, JOWAR-IRRI & UNIR, MAIZE-IRRI, RAGI-IRRI,
Rabi 2021 - 22 Belagavi, Chitradurga, Bidar, Davangere, Kalaburgi, Kolar, Ramanagara KarnatakaBENGAL GRAM (CHANA)-IRRI & UNIR, JOWAR-IRRI & UNIR, LINSEED-UNIR,
Rabi 2021 - 22 Belagavi, Bidar, Chitradurga, Dakshina Kannada, Davangere, Kalaburgi, Yadgir KarnatakaMAIZE-IRRI & UNIR, POTATO-IRRI, TOMATO (NS), WHEAT-IRRI & UNIR,
Rabi 2021 - 22 Bidar, Kalaburgi, Yadgir KarnatakaBENGAL GRAM (CHANA)-IRRI & UNIR, JOWAR-IRRI, SUNFLOWER-IRRI & UNIR,
Summer 2021 - 22 Kolar, Kalaburgi, Ramanagara, Yadgir KarnatakaGROUNDNUT-IRRI, SUNFLOWER-IRRI, PADDY-IRRI28-Feb-22
Summer 2021 - 22 Belagavi, Kalaburgi, Chitradurga, Davangere, Yadgir, Dakshina Kannada KarnatakaGROUNDNUT-IRRI, SUNFLOWER-IRRI, PADDY-IRRI, TOMATO-NS, RAGI-IRRI1-Mar-22
SeasonDistrict & StateNotified CropsCut-off Date
Kharif 2021 Allahabad, Auraiya, Basti, Etawah, Farrukhabad, Fatehpur, Hamirpur, Hardoi, Kannauj, Kanpur dehat, Kanpur nagar, Kaushambi, Kheri, Lucknow, Pratapgarh, Rae bareli, Sant kabir nagar, Siddharthnagar, Sitapur, Unnao Uttar PradeshBlack gram (urad), Green gram (moong), Groundnut (pea nut), Maize (makka), Paddy (dhan), Pearl millet (bajra), Pigeon pea (red gram/arhar/tur), Sesame (gingelly/til)/sesamum, Sorghum (jowar/great millet) 31-Jul-21
Rabi 2021 - 22 Allahabad, Auraiya, Basti, Etawah, Farrukhabad, Fatehpur, Hamirpur, Hardoi, Kannauj, Kanpur dehat, Kanpur nagar, Kaushambi, Kheri, Lucknow, Pratapgarh, Rae bareli, Sant kabir nagar, Siddharthnagar, Sitapur, Unnao Uttar PradeshBarley (jau), Bengal gram (chana), Lentil (masur), Linseed (alsi), Mustard, Pea, Potato, Wheat31-Dec-21
SeasonDistrict & StateNotified CropsCut-off Date
Kharif 2021 Bikaner, Chittaurgarh, Sirohi RajasthanBlack gram (urad), Cotton (kapas), Green gram (moong), Groundnut (peanut), Guar, Maize (makka) Moth bean (kidney bean/ deww gram), Paddy (dhan), Pearl millet (bajra), Sesame (gingelly/til)/sesamum Sorghum (jowar/great millet), Soybean (bhat) 31-Jul-21
Rabi 2021 - 22 Bikaner, Chittaurgarh, Sirohi RajasthanBarley (jau), Bengal gram (chana), Coriander, Cumin, Isabgol, Methi (fenugreek), Mustard, Wheat31-Dec-21

Our Farmers Are Our Family
Look At What They Have To Say!

  • It did not rain last year and cause of that I have suffered with the losses for my Maize crop but thankfully I was covered under PMFBY scheme. Against my premium of Rs.939 I have received claim of Rs.20000 which was great help.


  • With the initiative and announcement of District commissioner & Insurance Company I got to know the importance of PMFBY scheme and got myself enrolled in Kharif 17. Due to loss I was entitled for the claim and Insurance Company paid into my account.


  • have taken Fasal Bima under PMFBY in past also and also got claim for my losses that is why I have taken insurance this year also. I am very Thankful to our PM and Insurance company for thinking about welfare of farmers.


    Charkhi Dadri (Haryana)
  • Under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana I take insurance for my crop every year which is very beneficial for farmers like us. It is safety against our losses and all the farmers should take benefit from Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima.

    Hukum Singh

    Hamirpur (UP)
  • I have 6 acres of land in which I cultivate paddy crop. In 2017 my crop was spoiled for which I had received recovery under Pradhan Mantri Yojana. I request all the farmers to take this policy.I thanks to Governmet and Insurance company.

    Sandeep Kumar

    Tharva Village (Fatehabad)
  • Like every year this year also I enrolled for Fasal Bima, This year we got to know about the scheme related things and timeline through making organized by Insurance Company. Insurance company did good job in spreading awareness through various medium.

    Sujit Dodoi

    Hoogly (West Bengal)

For your Reference

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

grievance call
Grievance Redressal

Have a question?

Call Us :  

1800 - 200 - 5142

claim icon

Looking for claim assistance?

Call Us :  

1800 - 200 - 5142

Contact Us From Different States

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4th Floor, K.V.V Samrat, 217/A, 3rd Main, Outer Ring Road, Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore-560043

Have a question? Call on given no.


24/7 Available Toll free no.

Blue call icon

Uttar Pradesh (U.P)

401, Fourth Floor, Shalimar Logix, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001

Have a question? Call on given no.


24/7 Available Toll free no.

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Gr.Floor & Basement, 29-B, White Sapphire Apartments, Govind Marg, Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur-302004

Have a question? Call on given no.


24/7 Available Toll free no.

Intimate Your Claim Within Minutes On The Crop Claim Portal

Guidelines for the Claim Intimation

Actions required to be taken

Intimation may be given within 72 hours by farmer either through Mobile Application, Centralized Toll-Free Number, or directly to the insurance company through it’s dedicated toll-free number or through the concerned bank, local agriculture department Government/district officials. However, the first moode of intimation should be the centralised Toll-Free Number.

In case the intimation is given through concerned bank branch or Government officials, the IC should be informed within the next 48 hours.

Action to be taken by

Affected farmer(s) may intimate using mobile, Landline or social media. Farmer should provide his bank account number (Loan account for loanee farmer and savings account for non-loanee farmer) or Enrollment number generated from the portal at the time of intimation.

Schedule for taking action

Within 72 hours from the occurence of a peril

PMFBY Types of Losses

In cases where majority of the insured farmers of a notified area, having intent to sow/plant and incurred expenditure for the purpose, are prevented from sowing/planting the insured crop due to adverse weather conditions, shall be eligible for indemnity claims up to a maximum of 25% of the sum-insured.

Loss in case of adverse seasonal conditions during the crop season viz. floods, prolonged dry spells and severe drought etc., wherein expected yield during the season is likely to be less than 50% of the normal yield. This add-on coverage facilitates the provision for immediate relief to insured farmers in case of occurrence of such risks.

If AY per hectare of the insured crop for the Insurance Unit (calculated on basis of requisite number of CCEs) in insured season, falls short of specified TY for the season, all insured farmers growing that crop in that IU are deemed to have suffered a shortfall of similar magnitude in yield. PMFBY seeks to provide coverage against such contingency.

Claim' shall be calculated at IU level as per the following formula:
hreshold Yield - Acutal Yield
________________________     X Sum Insured
  Threshold Yield
Where Threshold Yield (TY) for a crop in a notified insurance unit is the average yield of best 5 years from past seven years multiplied by applicable Indemnity Level for that crop as notified by concerned State for the season.

Coverage is available only up to a maximum period of two weeks from harvesting, for those crops which are required to be dried in cut and spread / small bundled condition depending on requirement of the crops in that area, in the field after harvesting against specific perils of hailstorm, cyclone, cyclonic rains and unseasonal rains. PMFBY enrolled farmers can intimate localized and post harvest claim within 72 hours from the occurence of a peril.

Loss/damage to notified insured crops resulting from occurrence of identified localized risks of hailstorm, landslide, inundation, cloud burst and natural fire due to lightening affecting isolated farms in the notified area. PMFBY enrolled farmers can intimate localized and post harvest claim within 72 hours from the occurence of a peril.

Easy Options to Intimate
Claim Online

Now PMFBY enrolled farmers can intimate localized and Post harvest claim within 72 hours from the occurrence of a peril.

step 1
1 Crop Insurance App

You can intimate your claim using the crop insurance app.

Download App
step 1
2 USGI Website

USGI also provides a claim portal which can be used for claim intimation.

USGI Crop Claim Website
step 1
3 Toll-Free Number/Email ID

You can also intimate claim toll-free number or by sending an email. /

step 1
4 Concerned Bank

You can intimate your claim through the concerned bank.

step 1
5 Local Agriculture Department

You can also intimate a claim by visiting your local agricultural department.

step 1
6 USGI Office

You can also intimate claim by visting any nearby USGI branch.

Want to know More?

We can call you back

24*7 Available
Please agree to terms and conditions to continue.
24*7 Available

Our Farmers Are Our Family
Look At What They Have To Say!

  • It did not rain last year and cause of that I have suffered with the losses for my Maize crop but thankfully I was covered under PMFBY scheme. Against my premium of Rs.939 I have received claim of Rs.20000 which was great help.


  • With the initiative and announcement of District commissioner & Insurance Company I got to know the importance of PMFBY scheme and got myself enrolled in Kharif 17. Due to loss I was entitled for the claim and Insurance Company paid into my account.


  • have taken Fasal Bima under PMFBY in past also and also got claim for my losses that is why I have taken insurance this year also. I am very Thankful to our PM and Insurance company for thinking about welfare of farmers.


    Charkhi Dadri (Haryana)
  • Under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana I take insurance for my crop every year which is very beneficial for farmers like us. It is safety against our losses and all the farmers should take benefit from Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima.

    Hukum Singh

    Hamirpur (UP)
  • I have 6 acres of land in which I cultivate paddy crop. In 2017 my crop was spoiled for which I had received recovery under Pradhan Mantri Yojana. I request all the farmers to take this policy.I thanks to Governmet and Insurance company.

    Sandeep Kumar

    Tharva Village (Fatehabad)
  • Like every year this year also I enrolled for Fasal Bima, This year we got to know about the scheme related things and timeline through making organized by Insurance Company. Insurance company did good job in spreading awareness through various medium.

    Sujit Dodoi

    Hoogly (West Bengal)

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

grievance call
Grievance Redressal

Have a question?

Call Us :  

1800 - 200 - 5142

claim icon

Looking for claim assistance?

Call Us :  

1800 - 200 - 5142

Contact Us From Different States

Blue call icon


4th Floor, K.V.V Samrat, 217/A, 3rd Main, Outer Ring Road, Kasturi Nagar, Bangalore-560043

Have a question? Call on given no.


24/7 Available Toll free no.

Blue call icon

Uttar Pradesh (U.P)

401, Fourth Floor, Shalimar Logix, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001

Have a question? Call on given no.


24/7 Available Toll free no.

Blue call icon


Gr.Floor & Basement, 29-B, White Sapphire Apartments, Govind Marg, Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur-302004

Have a question? Call on given no.


24/7 Available Toll free no.